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Does It Work? My Story

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Does It Work? My Story!
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Use your head to change your life

You are probably thinking that it is all very well for a person with professional knowledge and background to make things right, and that you would not have the ability and skills to do this in a million years.

I can promise you that the things that I recommend for you are so easy that children at Kindergarten can do them. In fact, you could teach them to your children or anyone's else's children and they would be able to do these things. Besides which, in my simple to read books I take a step by step approach to each of the suggestions that I make.

You might believe that you would never be able to get people to co-operate with you (we all know it takes two to change things and improve things) and that the other person or people might not be willing to change.

Well, you will find that by changing one set of input and energy you cannot help but change the other set of input and energy.

Take the example from science and the stimulus / response reaction which is common throughout nature. If you change one dynamic, change will take place in the other dynamic. If you add more of this, you change the content of that. Do you see what I am getting at? By changing the way to respond to people you cannot help but change the way that they will respond to you, all you need to know is how to do it.

You may even think that you just cannot speak to people about your issue. In most of the exercises I tell you just how to approach others. I also explain ways to communicate that completely eradicates the need to explain yourself.

All you need to do is follow the step by step approach that I recommend for each of the situations discussed and you will be able to achieve the goals that you want.

I talk about the need to practice for without practice no-one can become good at anything. Rushing into things is what generally causes relationship problems in the first place. No, you need to take your time, consider your situation carefully and plan your approach just as if you are going to war, after all, all's fair in love and war, isn't it? By practicing what I preach you will become an expert at handling people without them even realising it. There is nothing wrong in that, is there?

Start with the books. Easy to read, with a step by step approach to changing your relationships without too much effort. These books each contain helpful tips and methods to try out on your friends, colleagues and loved ones. They are jam packed with information, things to practice, observe and remember, plus exercises to do. You are guaranteed to learn so many new ways to relate with the people in your life that the possibilities are endless.

Each book is dedicated to different types of relationships in your life. Even so, they all contain information and techniques that build to make a library of relationship skills that, even if you do not think you have problems in the other areas, will inform you so much that you can become a relationship expert.

  • A LIFETIME TOGETHER - 50 'Relationship Remedies' That Keep Couples Together And Marriage Partners In Love
  • HOW TO BE A HAPPY FAMILY - 50 'Family Fixers' That Will Work For You
  • FRIENDS FOR LIFE - 50 'Friendship Builders' For Work And Play

Do you want more friends, or just one very special person in your life? You can gain insights into how to meet new people, how to draw people towards you, ways to engage people until you become an irresistible people magnet!

Yearn for that someone special in your life? Well Book 3 will help you bring them towards you.

Practice the skills that you find in this book and you will find you overcome your fears about meeting new people and about communicating with them. You will learn how to control the tensions and embarrassments that prevent you from getting close to others.

Not only that, but you will find out ways to effortlessly speak with people, how to be relaxed in close company or surrounded by a crowd without the usual overwhelming anxieties that were your 'old pattern of behaviour'.

You will find out how to create a new 'persona' who is free from anxiety and who loves the challenge and stimulation of communicating with people. You will develop charisma and charm that will be irresistible to others.

By reading this book and practicing the suggestions in it you will overcome fears, learn how to speak well to people, discover new ways of initiating conversations, learn how to move things on to another level. You will gain insights into how you can become more desirable to other people and how to get them to do the things you like to do and the things that you would like them to do for you.

You will discover how to be liked more, how to draw people to you and keep them with you.